Megan Cowles

Megan offers a playful yet strong class with a focus on alignment, awareness and acceptance. Breath work, music, mantra, philosophy and psychological approaches are often woven into the physical practise to encourage connection with other elements of the yoga tradition. Megan’s work as a Clinical Psychologist infuses her classes with a flavour of curiosity, creativity and compassion. She seeks to facilitate students to go beyond the physical postures and deeper into their experience, seeing that yoga can offer transformation on several levels. Megan is keen to show students that they are stronger than they think, whether that’s the strength to hold an arm balance or the strength to know it’s time for child’s pose. Considering this, classes often include strengthening sequences to challenge your edges as well as invitations to rest and reflect. As a scientist-practitioner Megan loves the opportunity to discover knew knowledge – check out her Facebook page for her latest musings.